No. 2. – It’s Wednesday morning @ 10:42. Where are you?
/Email marketing, search rankings and time. Email marketing can be complex or simple. Most marketers now embrace more advanced email techniques and tactics that make up marketing automation. Equipped with a marketing automation platform, you can segment audiences in a variety of ways and measure many variables relative to your content and email marketing. Never... Read More
How badly do you want it?
Just thought you could use some reinforcement for persistence in your efforts to create a new relationship. It’s another “why” you’re getting smarter when you get a content marketing professional on your team. We can get you and keep you on the your B2B content marketing effectiveness and sustainability best practices path. We deliver a... Read More
No. 1. It’s Wednesday morning @ 10:42 a.m. Where are you?
And where are your B2B prospect and customer emails? Since one of the most common B2B email marketing success tests is subject line testing, let’s take a moment to talk about what makes for a good subject line: Front-load the important words. People want to know why your email is worth their time, so put all... Read More
Break Away from the “Comfortable” Trap!
As a long time business owner, I can tell you it’s very easy to fall into the comfortable trap. That’s when you’re doing okay. Okay is good, it’s comfortable. But okay isn’t where we want to be. We want to be great. It’s easy to get complacent in our marketing efforts or do things the... Read More
Now is the time for a new journey.
First, please accept my apology for being away from this content marketing tool for a while. The absence has involved; Mentoring the founder of the San Marcos Mermaid Society. Mentoring the founder of a predictive analytics start-up. Working in transportation/logistics on contract to pay some of the bills. Moving the business, and relaunching it in... Read More
The Art of Storytelling
Hieroglyphics. Cave dwellings. Fireside chats. Ghost stories at a campsite that scared you so much you were afraid to go to sleep. Telling stories is one of the most fundamental ways in which we communicate with each other, and while the media through which we do this are changing rapidly, the concept remains the same.... Read More
A lifeline or a powerful engine?
Marketers tend to think of outsourcing as an auxiliary measure — a lifeline for when you can’t afford to do things in-house, or you don’t have the manpower. How is working with a B2B agency different/more complex than that? I don’t believe hiring an agency should be a decision of whether or not you want... Read More
Case studies deliver a huge ROI!
Yes, we agree that SMB and middle-market C-levels are slammed and calendared to the max, but we also know that you build trust and relationships sooner when you give your prospects and influencers content that rocks their world. Cases studies do that because the are the equivalents of 3rd-party affirmations. So . . . just... Read More
Is your B2B marketing sustainable?
In the digitally cluttered world we live in, your marketing becomes relevant through great content and – just as importantly – context. Data, particularly customer behavioral data, is critical to putting marketers in the right place at the right time. Successful marketers excel in collecting, storing, and leveraging this data. So, as a marketer, you... Read More
B2B marketing and the role of influencers.
The concept of reciprocity is simple: If someone does something for you, you naturally want to do something for them, and a recent study indicates that marketing influencers understand that value based on the sheer volume of content they’re sharing directly from their colleagues. When we looked at the top three shared sites of each... Read More