A nap a day keeps you a content marketing genius.
/I suggest you seriously consider taking a daily nap for the following five reasons: A nap restores alertness. You know how your energy dips in the early afternoon? You start feeling a little sleepy and lose focus. It happens to most of us. A quick nap can bring us back up to speed. The National... Read More
B2B content marketing Friday!
B2B content marketing Fridays are always a good day to share valuable and actionable tools and processes from other well-known marketers and writers. So, here is a dose to nudge you into making these part of your B2B content marketing tactics for 2016. Your choice, of course. Email is the richest social media on this... Read More
Account-based marketing in 2016.
Success starts here. Be present and consistent with your “why” message so that it resonates as you touch your targeted-account prospects 10-12 times before they convince themselves that you are their best choice for... Read More
Content marketing lets them know why!
Think about the brands and products you love, the ones you’re fiercely loyal to. Your loyalty doesn’t grow because you like the color selection of the products, or because you thought the print ad used a nice font, or they have good shipping costs. You are loyal to the brands and products you love because... Read More
January 2016! All set for your content marketing?
Wow! It sure went by in a blaze. NFL playoff games. Golf tourneys. Parties. Searches for tax documents. Content marketing strategy, plan outline, deployment schedule and funding. Right? Sitting down with your content marketing expert and talking and working through what worked in 2015 and what you want to tweak to work better this year.... Read More
What’s the right time for your B2B content blog posts?
2015 was an intriguing year. Many of us in the small business and middle market growth company spaces feel like we were getting run over with all of the “37 tips and tricks” or the “15 things your marketing must avoid” that clogged our learning arteries. So, could we peel back a layer or two... Read More
Your B2B content marketing success story?
You know some days you just want to figure out who to get on your bus. And that’s just as crucial as where you and your sales team will drive the bus in 2016! The right players on your team can be the game changers. Here’s a quick case study to illustrate how making a... Read More
What CMOs are doing in 2016.
These two graphs are clear and explicit about what savvy B2B content marketing CMOs will be building upon this year. Your situation and opportunities are unique. At the same time, this data can help you gauge where you are headed. You can subscribe to our blog and get really vital insights into how... Read More
15 Ways to Your Zen @ Work.
Some of these are game changers. I like Nos. 4 & 5. Enjoy and watch your attitude soar! Start your day with 10 minutes of sitting in meditation. Take the time to sit down and enjoy eating breakfast at home. Remind yourself every day of your gratitude for being alive and having 24 brand-new hours... Read More
Is 2016 Content Marketing simmering or simpering?
If anybody knows what’s coming down the pike, please shout out, re-post these bullets and comment or just share some well-grounded, data-driven sources. Note, especially, where social media and content marketing predictions overlap. Many common threads, which you may have noticed as well, run through our tapestry: The power of conversation continues. Mobile and big data aren’t going... Read More