B2B content marketing needs social media impact

B2B social media impact lacking?

Social media spending is expected to climb to a 20.9 percent share of marketing budgets in the next five years. This share was only 5.6 percent in 2009. What is striking, however, is that only 3.4 percent of marketing leaders report that social media contributes very highly to firm performance; 40 percent report a below average contribution.

Customer social media information is not integrated with other customer information:

Companies (usually medium to larger ones) are not integrating customer information from purchasing, social media, and other communication channels. On a 1-7 scale where 1=not at all effectively and 7=very effectively, the average customer integration rating across these three sources is 3.4, which is a poor showing and lower than last year. This means companies do not yet have the critical 360 that could help them increase customer acquisition and retention.

And this is hard to do. If a marketing team does not have the talent to meet this challenge internally, it could measurably benefit from partnering with a content marketing agency who does have social media experts and who can help get the social interactions out of silos and into the mainstream of marketing data and analytics.

Smaller businesses and their leaders/owners are really bogged down with this, except they tend to be intuitive and will sometimes make a jump decision.

Subscribe to our upcoming posts on the details of B2B content marketing and media working together for small and middle-market business leaders and their content marketing teams.

We can keep you on the B2B content marketing effectiveness and sustainability best practices path. Or get you on it. And the right data to analyze.  We get you there with a measurable ROI.

Email us – info@sladegroup.com or call us – 512 799 4676. You’ll be glad you did!

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