
Solid support starts with winners! And it ripples out.

Winning enlarges your circle of backers, including influencers and your best new customers. When your top performers are striving to exceed objectives, they also create new processes that strengthen your corporate fiber.

In their words . . .

“I keep my head straight by having the right people around me, from my friends and family to my management and my team. They all keep me in my place. If I didn’t have them supporting all the work that I do, I wouldn’t be in such a solid place.”

—Jess Glynne

“Choose to focus your time, energy, and conversation around people who inspire you, support you, and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self.”

—Karen Salmansohn

When you have done some research, and made one or more key hires, get behind those people, and not with the intention of proving how smart you are or your need to be right about what they do and how they do it.

“But, Joe,” you say, “I don’t have time!” You do, if you create a short list of key “action” words that support each of your winners and their approach to winning.

It makes a difference. You may still have a sensitive spot for when one of your former bosses got in your face about what you were doing and how fast and how well you did it. Remember? OK, let it go. You’re in a new place and mindset now. And yes, you are a winner.

Winners will give you new processes you haven’t seen before and create new relationships.

Measurable results follow!

As you get more comfortable on relying less upon Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) and more on making the time for personally sorting the winners, you can build another kind of legacy. You can make it a priority to make your players better than you found them. In turn, they will make your customers better, and your customers will make you and your company a better place than when they found it. That’s crazy smart!

Simon Sinek    Jeff Bullas       Jeff Goins        Sonia Simone

Seth Godin      Joe Pulizzi       Heidi Cohen    Neil Patel        Lee Odden

Crazy Smart!

#Productivity #Doitright #Leadership #Winners

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