Marketing & Advertising Automation – evolving from their roots.
Marketing automation really had its foundation laid with the advertising agency media planning & buying processes in the 1980s. Briefly, agencies typically hired a “Media Director” or outsourced the processes of media research, planning and buying (including negotiating rates and frequencies) that became the underpinning of the Relevance X Frequency philosophy of brand management, marketing... Read More
Aligned or adrift?
This set of bullets is from a recent INC. magazine blog post. I want to share them and my comments on each point. To read more of the blog go to . . . Goldratt’s Takeaways; • People don’t resist change on instinct. They judge the change first and then resist. We are creatures... Read More
Talent aligning to the mission?
Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO) services – engaging a fractional chief marketing officer (FCMO) creates quantitative benefits for your company right away. Access to a well-seasoned and successful outside marketing executive means this professional can on board and begin functioning quickly. The engagement may be for a quarter, six months, or until the new talent/team... Read More
Is this your prespective?
Could the decision to engage a fractional chief marketing officer (FCMO) create two kinds of quantitative benefits for the company? Let’s take a look. If your company has access to one or two well-seasoned and successful outside marketing executives there is the real possibility that this professional could be brought onto the team and begin... Read More
The worst comments?
10 Dumbest Salary Review Comments Some bosses say the darnedest things during yearly performance reviews. BigStock Want to feel good about your management skills (or those of your boss)? No matter what happens, you probably won’t say (or hear) anything as stupid as these real-life comments made during real-life salary reviews: 10. “Yes, I know... Read More
How well are you telling your story?
Star Trek: 10 Content Marketing Lessons Posted by Heidi Cohen on May 17, 2013 in Content Marketing | 0 Comments To Boldly Create Content Your Fans Adore With its mission, “To boldly go where no one has gone before,” Star Trek has built an enduring brand around amazing content. Content marketers can learn a lot... Read More
We marketers are human too. What to do on those “slow start” days!
No matter how experienced we are and no matter our intentions, sometimes a lot of clutter accumulates and diffuses our focus. These are three of the most prominent symptoms. 1. You overload your to-do list. 2. You don’t break projects or tasks down into smaller steps. 3. You don’t put up limits for the obvious... Read More
Can you picture this?
You feel great most of the time. Maybe even awesome! Business objectives are being met, and you feel challenged and engaged. But there are a few hours when you are troubled about a couple of things. Or one recurring marketing problem. And are there moments of real stress, anxiety and plain old panic? You know... Read More
A Market-based Perspective
Even companies that rigorously solicit customer opinions on their products, services and support can be misled into believing they have a market-based perspective of their business. It’s most common for companies to rely upon their sales and customer service organizations for these critical insights. However, a full market perspective extends far beyond customer satisfaction. A... Read More
TAP first.
A Target Audience Profile (TAP) seems fundamental to all successful marketing initiatives and sales growth strategies. It’s an action we typically require from clients or we do for them. Here’s a short-hand version . . . and not just for small business by any stretch. For more success options: