
Break Away from the “Comfortable” Trap!

As a long time business owner, I can tell you it’s very easy to fall into the comfortable trap. That’s when you’re doing okay. Okay is good, it’s comfortable. But okay isn’t where we want to be. We want to be great.

It’s easy to get complacent in our marketing efforts or do things the same way because that’s how it’s always been done. If you want to increase your B2B sales, start with looking at your marketing strategy.

Just making a few minor tweaks can be the difference between okay sales and amazing sales.

You’re Writing Generic Content. Get audience specific and watch sales grow.

B2B decision makers don’t have a lot of time. Sending generic content is a waste of time, as it will never be read. It’s just spam.

Leads that are nurtured with targeted messaging can increase sales opportunity by 20%. Instead of sending out cookie-cutter email content to nurture your leads, take the time to personalize every message. This is true no matter what types of materials you’re sending out – from larger pieces of content, like links to white papers and podcasts, to simple, friendly notes just to keep in touch with prospects.

If your sales prospect is in the health industry, for example, then personalize your messaging to speak to needs that are specific to a health organization. Sure, it may take longer to write specific messages and find hyper-targeted third-party content to share, but your ROI will increase. This isn’t a waste of time – it’s spending your time wisely.

You Still Use a “Brochure” Website. Think responsive to search needs.

I started my business over 20 years ago. The internet was just a blip on our radar. Most our marketing was in print: newspaper ads, posters, coupon books, and brochures.

Here’s the exact advice I received from an “expert” marketer all those years ago: “No one reads brochures. But they think they will, so you have to make them.”

And it’s still true today. No one reads brochures! Not in print and not as a website.

You spend hours writing the exact right content to showcase your business and talents. Yet, that’s time you could be using to create engaging content. Try creating a resource-based website that lights up a clear “value path” for any B2B visitor. Include downloadable material, helpful how-to’s and guides, and specific calls to action.

Think about how you research a new B2B company. You were probably drawn in by an ad or stumbled upon an interesting article. Change the way you structure your website – make it a platform that’s designed to draw customers into your sales funnel. Not be put to sleep by your beautiful brochure pictures.

You Treat B2B Customers Like B2C Customers. Give them value instead.

Simply put, one of the biggest mistakes that kill B2B sales is treating prospects the same way you handle B2C audience members.

Major mistakes include launching short-term ad campaigns and trying to entice a B2B decision maker into making an impulse buy. Instead, choose to extend marketing campaigns with a focus on a longer sales funnel and growing personal connections.


B2C customers also make purchases from an emotional standpoint, while B2B customers use their emotions but also want the bottom line. It’s all about how your product can increase revenue, save time and money, and help them achieve their goals. If your marketing doesn’t quickly connect these dots, your product will simply be seen as irrelevant.

This may seem like a rookie mistake, but in the quest to stand out from competitors, many marketers take risks. What may seem edgy or provocative may not translate to the B2B market. Never lose focus on who your target market is and how to best communicate with them.

Chances are you could be happier — and it would probably be worth your while, as research shows that happiness breeds health, money, stronger relationships, better marriages and more. But who has time to cultivate joy when there is so much to worry about? Or you can get us onboard as your B2B content marketing partner and amplify not only your success at the office but also open those doors that lead to your personal happiness.

We can get you and keep you on the your B2B content marketing effectiveness and sustainability best practices path. We deliver a measurable ROI. You get the benefits!

Email us – info@sladegroup.com or call us – 512 799 4676. You’ll be glad you did.

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