age diverse work group

Aligned or Adrift?

Below is the very first post I created and loaded to my company blog (https://www.marketingcompanyaustintexas.com/) in 2013. It was the first small brick in the process of building usable content over the course of nearly 300 posts the following 5 years. I’ve added my 2018/2019 insights with the intention of giving you more confidence about 1) the dollar value of recruiting talent, 2) visualizing and finding winners and 3) bringing those winning attributes to your age-diverse work groups.

It’s remarkable to me how it still resonates, in the words we used then, with the major challenges we face today in going from good to great. My research and client work over the past two years has taken me down roads and into relationships which highlighted the frustration C-levels experience while they try to grow their business and see the front door repeatedly bang open and close as one after another “new hire” fails or leaves for a more attractive gig.

And they leave a ton of money in the hands or search professionals and online job boards. Do we really need to make these same mistakes repeatedly up to the point we feel like it’s time for a Hari Kari ritual executive event?

“This set of bullets is from an INC. magazine blog post. I want to share them and my comments on each point. To read more of the blog go to . . . http://www.inc.com/drew-greenblatt/the-man-who-saved-my-company.html/


  • People don’t resist change on instinct. They judge the change first and then resist. We are creatures of habit. So, change needs to be compelling, where we easily connect with the benefits, to say the two necessary things to make change happen – First “I want to do this”, and second “I can do this”. Then the Dr. Albert Bandura principle takes over.


  • Excess capacity must be used to grow the business, never to lay off people. Loyalty is a two-way street.We are seeing a growing number of C-level and Director leaders sphincter muscles spasming as they “hire, fire, hire, fire” seeking to get real talent and committed players into their marketing and other key operational roles and on the team. About the time a new CMO or team-leader has reached nominal productivity, they are now 15 months into their typical 24 to 28-month stay. That’s sickening, disloyal and a waste of human capital.


  • Identify the core conflict that is the root of every team and workflow problem: That takes courage. And a willingness to call in an expert to help you, the leader, look at the cause of the conflict is a healthy step to relieving that conflict and replacing it with alignment and a new process.


  • The important metric in project management is not time and deadline, but the amount of mutual trust between managers and producers. The success of a company is determined by the harmony of the relationships within it. Mutual trust accelerates all good things in a business environment and relationship. Learn how to create and sustain it.


Talk to us about the non-destructive ways we can get you to improve your satisfaction with how you recruit talent, how you lead and with how your marketing and sales teams perform when they are more aligned and working from a basis of trust and mastery of the work being done.”

#talentrecruitment #productivity #doitright #crazysmart #workgroups #b2bmarketing


Simon Sinek    Jeff Bullas       Jeff Goins        Sonia Simone  Crazy Smart!

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