
Why does this infection still fester in corporate America?

With Halloween approaching, let’s start with a question that has haunted many of us: Why does “ghosting” qualified candidates still exist as a recruitment practice—and worse, why is it on the rise?

I’m sure you’ve experienced this yourself. You’ve applied to positions where you know your skills would make a top impact, only to be met with silence. Or, like me, you’ve been through multiple rounds of interviews, only to hear, “Thanks, but we’re going in another direction.” More on those rejections in another post, but for now, let’s look at the bigger picture.

Here are a few facts I’d like you to consider—and act on.

In September, labor statistics reported 254,000 new jobs, with a significant number in B2B sectors, despite retail, hospitality, and healthcare leading the pack. Current U.S. unemployment sits at 4%. According to SHRM’s Hearn, major government funding initiatives are driving new manufacturing infrastructure, which will create even more jobs in the coming years. But here’s the catch—senior workers are retiring faster than new talent is stepping in, and 61% of manufacturers are struggling to fill critical positions.

Now, how often do companies ghost applicants?

It’s not just you. 40% of job seekers reported being ghosted by employers after second or third interviews, up from 30% in 2022. Ghosting isn’t just a passing trend; it’s becoming the norm, according to Indeed (Feb 2024). And if you’re wondering who’s leading this charge, look no further than the top 10 recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) firms. They’re setting the tone, screening for big-name companies who are constantly polishing their brands, yet dropping the ball on basic communication.

It takes a recruiter just seconds to send a polite, respectful email letting you know you’re no longer being considered. That simple gesture builds trust—and leaves the door open for future opportunities.

So, let me ask you: What’s standing in your way of reaching out directly to recruiters, either through social platforms or private messages, to call for better practices? And will you share this with your network? By doing so, we can hold recruiters accountable, build a more respectful hiring process, and push for the professionalism we all deserve.

#ghosting #hiresmart #hiretalent #rpo #buildyourbrand #crazysmart

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