
What’s in your 2015 Content Marketing Plan? Here’s what B2B buyers are doing?


Curation Friday – and this is new too. Sometimes Heidi delivers sensory overload.

At the same time, you really need to know key buyer discovery behaviors so you can tailor your B2B content to make it relevant to your prospects and customers and to engage and get them to choose you and your offerings.

The average customer checks 10.4 pieces of content according to Google’s Zero Moment of Truth research, before the point when the prospect first discovers your content online. (Of course, for more expensive or complex sales, this can be higher.)

Given this diverse self-serve model, Forrester found that B2B buyers find 3 pieces of content about your firm for each piece of content your organization has created. This other content can come from a wide variety of sources including social media, third party media, customers, former employees and others.

The Slade Group

Who are your targets? What are your key messages?

As a result, B2B customers are 65-90% of the way through the purchase decision process before they contact your firm! The B2B purchase decision process is a journey that can vary based on business, key decision makers and influencers, both internal and external.

Understand your target audience.

Reach out across your organization and create a set of marketing persona. At a minimum, include everyone who touches your prospect and customer in the process.

Actionable B2B Content Marketing Tips:

Take the time to talk with prospects and customers, where possible and appropriate. Don’t assume that you know who they are and what their needs are.

Think beyond reaching specific buyers. Consider everyone involved in the purchase decision and their influencers. Remember information can be forwarded via social media so cast a wide net with your content.


Talk to us about your objectives, priorities and any concerns about how to drive your content to intersect with your leads and prospects. Yes, we do that. Just call or email.


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