Get stronger in your marketing career. Diversify your network!
/Conventional wisdom claims that a powerful sponsor can help you keep the job you have or find you a new one. But with job insecurity the new normal, we have heard from a number of top-level managers who had counted on one high-level backer to protect them — only to find themselves marginalized or even... Read More
Align. Define. And it will be fine.
Suggest you think about and choose to outsource those things that are not your strengths. You will be happier and more productive.
Testimonial for this business marketing agency.
For the past 12 years, Joe and I have worked with many companies to increase their revenue. Joe’s area of expertise is creating marketing strategies that include websites, brochures, logos, target prospect profiling, content and integrated social media. Joe is always researching new approaches to branding and marketing so that he is on the cutting... Read More
Business marketing agency delivers.
One of several ways you can engage us to make a difference in your sales numbers and customer satisfaction Our concept-to content services – begins with a situation assessment within a project structure fast tracks you to outstanding results. Target market profiling, budgeting, human capital and financial asset maximization are woven intrinsically into the project... Read More
Trust leads. Competence builds. Creativity delivers.
It started like this. A call came into our near West side Houston office on a Tuesday afternoon. It was the retired, former president of Dresser Industries’ Oilfield Product Group. He was now EVP for a small, regional drilling fluids company called Newpark Drilling Fluids. “Joe, we need your help with an ad. But we... Read More
This is how you create success and sustain it.
This is the model we developed to guide us in creating integrated marketing strategies for a diverse array of successful clients. Client executive and marketing teams relish this process for not only the results it produces but also the ability it gives us and them to adapt strategy and tactics to buyers’ changing needs. You... Read More
An Ode to Marketing Automation.
Models and emails and forms and posts What aspects of Marketing Automation matter most? Spreadsheets, fields and dashboards galore The more behavior, the higher the score Target-em, nurture-em convert them all No lead left behind, opp size large or small A sprinkle of buy-in from the Boss Just a dash of Jon’s Secret Sauce All... Read More
Lead from your strengths
Effective Leaders Focus on Strengths The first quality of effective leadership is the ability to focuses on strengths. They focus on the strengths in themselves and on the strengths in others. The fact of the matter is that strong people have far more weaknesses than they have strengths. You can never achieve greatness by compensating... Read More
7 Steps that make sense.
I like what Heidi has done to help us be better bloggers and better marketers. So I am happy to share . . . And you can start a conversation with me to sharpen your tactics and then get the results you want.
Why we do what we do.
Why do we do what we do? Relieve the pressure that marketing and sales bring to company leaders. Most team leaders are not trained in or confident of their marketing skills. They tend to be good salespersons and process managers, but they also are most likely from a technical or operations discipline. It is the... Read More