Marketing Effectiveness tied to exercise. I’m glad I do it regularly!
/Friday Curation – Exercise has been shown to elevate mood, which has serious implications for workplace performance. I’m willing to bet that your job requires you to build interpersonal connections and foster collaborations. Within this context, feeling irritable is no longer simply an inconvenience. It can directly influence the degree to which you are successful.... Read More
Is your B2B Marketing Sustainable?
In the digitally cluttered world we live in, your marketing becomes relevant through great content and – just as importantly – context. Data, particularly behavioral data, is critical to putting marketers in the right place at the right time. Successful marketers excel in collecting, storing, and leveraging this data. So, as a marketer, you need... Read More
Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO) Services Deliver High-value Results.
Abstract: A majority of C-level leaders in an array of fast-growth companies rise to their leadership positions from technical, operational or financial career paths and training. Some of these leaders, especially in mezzanine technology companies, can unintentionally retard growth and market share gains when they try too hard to acquire talent with limited experience and... Read More
This is really worth the effort.
The ideal length of a blog post is 7 minutes, 1,600 words! When measuring the content that performs best on their site, Medium, a company that blogs and reports on a wide range of social topics, focuses not on clicks but on attention. How long do readers stick with an article? In this sense, an... Read More
Content Curation – 5 Ways to start conversations with your social media.
Set Realistic Goals: If you’re still in the initial phase in which you’re making a name for yourself while building credibility and trust, don’t expect to get millions of likes and shares in a split second, even if your content is truly amazing. Accept the fact that online conversations will never be perfect substitutes for... Read More
Content curation – one reason it matters.
Content curation is starting to enter the content marketing lexicon. Why use content curation when you can create your own tailored content? Content curation is the engine behind marketing power. It positions you as an expert by steering your audience to the best of the information on the web. (And by the way, it saves... Read More
Create a Better To-Do List.
In the hopes of leading a more productive, organized life, we’ve gathered three essential ways to create a better to-do list: 1. Break Projects into More Manageable Tasks The solution to the anxiety of dealing with a large, complex project or process is simply breaking down the project into smaller, actionable tasks and planning which... Read More
In memory of those who perished and in gratitude for those who serve.
We grieve for them and for their families and we identify. We think of our own heart-wrenching losses that are not lived out in the public eye, but are as raw, mysterious, and troubling for us as they are for the families of those in the news. We pause to remember that today is the... Read More
The great challenge of marketing . . .
The great challenge of marketing is to cut through the noise and get your message both heard and acted upon. This is difficult or impossible if your marketing materials use the same vague clichés that everyone else uses. To make your marketing message clear and memorable, replace your “heard it all before” verbiage with statements... Read More
How to drive sales with content marketing.
Traditional sales and marketing tactics were mainly focused on pushing a message, pushing a meeting, pushing a contact. Content marketing is focused on the pull. It is about getting you and your company differentiators distributed, so that when your prospects and customers come looking for what you have, they find you. Content marketing is about... Read More