Work spaces impact creativity and productivity.
/#b2bmarketing Curation Friday. Attention fellow C-leaders, HR executives, space planners and creative marketing professionals. Why did it take a book to be written to make us focus on our spaces? There is science at the core of this and it’s really important to offset the negative impact of our devices and our social media disruptions.... Read More
Are you just a Twitter bot or are you really human?
#b2bcontentmarketing You, including my connections and colleagues, who consistently post on LinkedIn and Facebook via Twitter, might want to hit the Pause button and read a little deeper into this story. (see link below) We need to see, feel and know that you are human and that you can actually listen, speak and write as... Read More
Focus – the 4th of 10 compelling reasons to have winners working for your success.
#leadership #b2bmarketingbestpractices 4. Freedom to Focus. As every golfer, baseball and tennis player and knows, you must keep your eye on the ball. Losers often punish themselves for misses. Winners have fewer distractions. Golf pro Tiger Woods won nearly every championship until hit with personal problems of his own making, leading to losses on the... Read More
Which metrics matter to marketing’s authentic and positive roles in sales growth?
#marketingservices #B2Bcontentmarketing When it comes to metrics that matter, you need to look at the following types of key performance indicators (KPIs): Tactical: Tactical KPIs are best for looking at how channels are performing. Marketing professionals really need to be capable in “channel management”. Strategic: Typically, strategic reporting looks at things like revenue and brand... Read More
The 3rd Compelling Reason to have winners working for your success.
#marketingservices Learning . . . Winners are more likely to voluntarily discuss mistakes and accept negative feedback, because they are comfortable that they can win. Because they are confident about the possibility of winning, they see practicing as a route to a positive outcomes. For athletes, practice matters. Winning is found in mastery of the... Read More
The 2nd of 10 compelling reasons to have winners working for you.
Attractive Situation. There is less absenteeism and more solidarity in organizations known for their successes because people spend more time together feeling good about what they can and do accomplish. More time together brings more information-sharing and mentoring. In amateur sport, winners more frequently teach, support and lead and that transference to business and to... Read More
Four steps leaders must take to learn to become successful in a new way . . . and CMOs too!
#leadership #marketingbestpractices Curation Friday Here they are. Heed and lead! recognition that their long-honed leadership styles will no longer work; acceptance that it was they who failed in the new role and not outside forces that caused the challenge and blockage; analysis and understanding of the new type of leadership that’s required; and then decisive... Read More
Talent vs. skills – the 1st of 10 compelling reasons to have winners working for your success.
1. Good Mood. Clearly everyone feels good about winning, while emotions sag at failure. Emotions affect performance. Positive moods produce physical energy and the resilience to persist after setbacks. Psychologists find that moods are contagious. Winners’ exhilaration is infectious. In marketing, as in sports, results stem mainly from the “attitude of winning” that a... Read More
Trending for 2015; CEOs are not who they used to be!
# marketing #fcmo services Boards are reaching deeper into the companies they oversee to find executives who embrace disruptive technologies and digital media; have a proven record of innovation; are confident global citizens, able to operate in developed, emerging, and frontier markets and lead across diverse cultures; have an acute understanding of shifting demographics in... Read More
CMOs: Time for digital transformation or risk being left on the sidelines!
#digitalmarketing Digital disruption is here and CMOs know it, but it’s time to do more. It’s just about the end of this year. And what a year it’s been for marketing and marketing effectiveness. So let’s review a vital core matter without all of the window dressing that comes with inbound and outbound B2B marketing... Read More