Do you shake hands with and smile @ your CFO? It’s time you did.
/#b2bmarketingbestpractices #marketingservices Most marketers spend their lives thinking about how to design and execute highly effective marketing campaigns. That’s what marketers enjoy and that’s where they put their energy. But marketers often have another big responsibility—they often manage a significant amount of money for the business. It might not have seemed obvious at first, but you... Read More
No. 8 of the 10 Compelling Reasons You Want Winners Working for Your Success!
#b2bmarketingbestpracties 8. Invitations to the Best Relationships. Winners get invited to the White House, Buckingham Palace and key conferences, exhibitions and podiums. They gain access to networks and relationships that confer benefits that maintain winners’ momentum, such as early information or better deals. Sales executives love to hear this from their national accounts managers; “I... Read More
Do you get it? Is your marketing better for this approach to your work?
It might seem counter-intuitive that you will perform better at work if you spend more time with your kids, leave work early to volunteer at a local nonprofit, or take an hour out of your workday to go to the gym. But that’s just what happens. And this is aligned with Shawn Anchor’s famous TED... Read More
A six-pack to go? For your successful marketing transition and customer experiences.
#b2bmarketingbestpractices Curation Friday. For a long time, I have been an Economist subscriber. They get it right, especially beyond the borders of the USA about 99% of the time. And we have known for some time that their Intelligence unit is getting stronger with a larger voice. This will come as a surprise to some... Read More
The 7th of 10 Compelling Reasons You Want Winners Working for Your Success!
#b2bmarketingbestpractices No. 7. – Better Buzz! It’s not just the buzz around a victory that separates winners from losers, it’s the more favorable story about the past and future. Winning provides a halo that makes everything seem to glow. When you and your team, marketing and sales aligned, are better storytellers, you create trust and... Read More
In 2014, B2B marketers struggled to provide engaging content. Did you?
#b2bcontentmarketing This struggle is real. And 2014 was a year of realization for many businesses, and in 2015 many marketing strategies will reflect that. What did everyone realize? Generating awareness and having ‘online presence’ is not enough to land you loyal customers. Today content is at the heart of our marketing strategies. Many marketers face... Read More
The 6th of 10 Compelling Reasons: Winners Accelerate Your Success.
#b2bmarketingbestpractices No. 6. Solid Support. Behind every high-performance athlete or team is a cadre of coaches, friends and fans who fuel motivation. Winning enlarges your circle of backers, including influencers and your best new customers. When your top performers are striving to exceed objectives, they also create new processes that strengthen your corporate fiber. Fractional... Read More
Are you engaging top content talent to deliver results aligned with your B2B marketing plan?
#b2bcontentoutsourcing Content Creators: Just Pay the Man (or Woman) Hire the best and most seasoned writers and editors you can find. They WILL be more expensive than others, but in this case, you absolutely get what you pay for. If you are committed to B2B marketing excellence, and in particular if you’re content marketing flavor... Read More
The 5th of The 10 Compelling Reasons You Want Winners Working for Your Success.
#b2bmarketingbestpractices 5. Positive Culture. For a team player, winning makes it easier to respect and listen to one another, because after all, if you win together, then the intention is to make everyone a good player. Winners maintain high aspirations and generosity toward others. Initiators, learners and leaders enable and accelerate your growth. Fractional Chief... Read More
Work spaces impact creativity and productivity.
#b2bmarketing Curation Friday. Attention fellow C-leaders, HR executives, space planners and creative marketing professionals. Why did it take a book to be written to make us focus on our spaces? There is science at the core of this and it’s really important to offset the negative impact of our devices and our social media disruptions.... Read More