The Slade Group is authentic

Transparency. It’s part of your leadership portfolio.

It’s one of those leadership characteristics that’ not often talked about, at least not in public or mixed company. Why? Because there are still some individuals who think that thuggish behavior, deceit and hidden agendas are still the tools that give them a competitive advantage.

Let’s get a picture of what really hampers authentic leadership and what really works in business and in life.

So far as you and I know, it’s still and imperfect world. You’re imperfect. I’m imperfect. And we know others in our families, tribes and circles who are less than immaculate. And across a spectrum of organizations, there are key players, team and company leaders who are slow to learn. For example;

The C-leaders of an Austin-based mezzanine fast growth company clearly understandd that they need to recruit and develop talented individuals who are given worthy challenges to meet and exceed. Because I know marketing, let’s tell just one story to give you the opportunity to choose which kind of leader and work culture inspires, attracts and retains teams that rocket the company up a trajectory that is the envy of other Inc. Fast 500 companies. Then you choose.

So the leader (CEO or CMO) huddle with the engaged outsource H R recruiter to knock out a killer job posting that is full of excitement and opportunities. The posting goes up on major job boards and the resume tsunami rolls in. Out the bottom of the applicant tracking software fall four scrumptious semi-finalists. Skype interviews follow.

Two become the finalists.

Final interviews.

An offer.

An acceptance follows.

A start date and on boarding process ensues.

Training, familiarization and taking the reins.

Real work is taking place.

Here comes the time for the ROI you’d expect.

Hold it. Hold it!

It seems that all is not well in software Disney World. The veil is now lifted and the actual performance requirements are much greater than advertised and the tools to do the work are fewer and are allocated arbitrarily. Holy crap Batman!

So now the fallout. First, the talent leaves. No surprise. Productivity falls and there is a big hole in the corporate body of knowledge on how to create measurable results – since the last six months have been relatively useless. Second, the CEO meets with the board and investors and they ask why the turnover and what’s being done. You see it coming, right? This relatively egocentric CEO/Founder tells the board that 50% churn rate is OK because we can turn on the tap and get another millennial in the seat in 60 days or so. We’ll be OK. We’ll get it cranked up again next quarter. Are you buying this?

Now the company has not only wasted a quarter of a million dollars on this farce, but they now must reallocate precious growth assets to get a body in a seat. Oh, and cover their backsides to the peers and current staff. Actually, this does happen. And it did. But it is not necessary.

Visualize what happens when the CEO actually admits his or her humanity. And that they screwed up. Owned up – to both the board and the marketing team. Authenticity is a natural and direct result of just being you. Living your values. And letting the others on your team, in your tribe and circles know that you are “a work in progress” and not something you have imagined in your mind.

The end of this story is also a beginning. Isn’t it clear? Live your values. Confront unethical behavior, mis-statements, untruths and deceit. Be open to the extent that you are willing to step outside of your comfort zone. That’s where really professional and personal growth thrives.

And the bonus . . . quality people will follow an authentic, transparent leader . . . every time.

If you want to learn more about being transparent in your life, take a look at Brene Brown’s TED video; http://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability?language=en or read her best-selling book “Daring Greatly”. And continue to grow your emotional intelligence, transparently.

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