The Slade Group creates superb content

Lack of content marketing skills hinders market impact.

If there is one guiding observation that hits you in the face with what you are doing to engage your targeted prospects and then keep and convert them, it is the statement in the headline.

Content marketing expertise requires every brand and organization to think, engage outside talent and staff like a publisher. Organizations can expect the frequency of content production to increase. Further, content marketing requires marketers to have a strategy and execution plan similar to a publisher. Meanwhile, they also need to take that content and purposely engage key target audiences as though they are communities that voraciously consume every white paper, video, blog post, Infographic, tweet, etc.

High quality content takes time and money.

Breaking through the clutter requires a plan. Today’s signal-to-noise ratios are inadequate because there is too much content that adds little value. This creates a massive amount of unnecessary noise in the marketplace. Consumers of content will not bother to look at low-quality and non-relevant content.

This leaves marketers in a rough spot. They need content. But creating content for the sake of content ends up being a waste of time, effort and money, not resulting in the conversion it could provide.

Consistency requires a professional organization.

Once content marketing efforts begin, there is no turning back. Delivering content marketing requires both frequency and consistency. Organizations cannot expect content marketing to be a once-and-done strategy. Investment requires nurturing and caring for a mid-term to long-term approach.

The Slade Group and B2B content marketing

And it’s still valid in late 2015.

Competition for attention is at an all-time high.

Many companies fail to appreciate the degree of competition for attention and how important content is. Even worse, the competition is only going to increase as more competitors increase their content creation efforts. This means that having a content marketing and activation strategy that is able to reach the maximum audience possible is critical.


It requires a mix of paid, earned, and owned media. It is absolutely critical companies invest in a person/team focused on prioritizing audience development to ensure each piece of content helps increase the size, engagement and value of a brand’s direct audiences.

Here’s the rub; you do not have psychological profiling and content strategist as two of your top strengths. So what now?

The key question you need to ask is; what am I doing to become a remarkable visual story teller? And how do I get my stories into the channels my prospects and buyers surf?

And while you are popping a couple of Tylenol, you can choose Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO) services or Concept to Content (C2C) services that deliver real, measurable value and underscore the culture you are building. And an exceptional customer experience.

We can show you how.

Remarkable team . . . The Slade Group. Reach out and let us respond. That’s your strength.

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