
Is this your prespective?

Could the decision to engage a fractional chief marketing officer (FCMO) create two kinds of quantitative benefits for the company? Let’s take a look.

images 2 (2) If your company has access to one or two well-seasoned and successful outside marketing executives there is the real possibility that this professional could be brought onto the team and begin functioning after a really short learning curve. It’s not an exaggeration to visualize that after the initial conversations and work agreements, the match-up exists that the marketing professional could come on board, be involved in two or possibly three in-depth meetings with company leadership, review key marketing documents and budgets, and be ready to take action.

In the initial conversations it’s important to understand that this is very likely to be an engagement that will have a beginning, middle and an end. It may last a quarter. It may last six months, or it might last until new marketing leadership is in place and has your confidence, trust and blessing. Now let’s drill just a little bit deeper

This fractional chief marketing officer is going to want satisfactory compensation. It’s one of the incentives that keep him or her focused on the work and accountable for the outcomes. At the same time, it gives this person a professional challenge and opportunity to engage with two or three companies so that the challenges are real and varied at the same time. And naturally it also adds to that person’s portfolio of accomplishments.

Now there are additional benefits for the company as well. A fractional chief marketing officer is not on the payroll. Therefore you don’t have the 20% overhead that includes benefits and retirement contributions including health care and paid leave. So the company gets the benefit of top gun talent focused on their priorities and objectives who is well-paid but does not become part of the infrastructure. That also means no unemployment insurance premiums. Put those ingredients together and you seem to have a compelling case for creating a bridge that get you to where you need to be from where you are with minimal risk of falling into the chasm. Learn more . . .

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